Prayer support is needed for the candidates on the weekend.
Palanca is the actual prayers, sacrifices, and works of mercy. A Palanca letter is one that communicates to the candidate and team the types of prayers, sacrifices and works of mercy that were offered to God on their behalf. Palanca letters can be emailed to until Thursday of the weekend. Palanca can be hand delivered anytime during the weekend to the Palanca Coordinator.
Examples of Palanca: Prayers: any prayer offered for the intentions of the candidates and team such as; time in Adoration, offering a mass, saying the rosary etc.... Sacrifices: fasting, giving up something, do something without being expected to, etc.... Works of Mercy: giving alms, working in the food pantry, visiting the sick, etc.... Actions of support through out the weekend is Palanca, sacrifices of time to come to St. Hedwig's to pray, work in the kitchen, helping to clean, driving someone to a weekend. |
Palanca letters are not carried over from weekend to weekend. Palanca is done for the intentions of one certain weekend; it is current prayers, sacrifices and works of mercy.